IAGEH Measurements and results with bioinfluence - IAGEH International Academy for Spiritual-Energetic Harmonization

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IAGEH Measurements and results with bioinfluence


Results of Mandy Protze-Kälberer© with bioinfluence on a person with the MPK-Methode®, documented by Color Kirlian Spectral Analysis (Dr. Ignatov©, 2007).

B765-Kirlian-Aura of T.V.
before bioinfluence by Mandy Maria
B767-Kirlian-Aura of T.V.
after bioinfluence by Mandy Maria

The Color Kirlian Spectral Analysis has proved, that there was a unique change in the bioelectric aura of the influenced person after bioinfluence by Mandy Protze-Kälberer. The average biophotonemission increased from 2.41 to 2.93 eV.

The change of the biophysical parameters of the Color Kirlian Aura of the influenced person after bioinfluence show the extraordinary bioenergetic abilities of Mandy Protze-Kälberer. The results are important regarding the medical effect in the human body. They show that there is a process of energy "charging" in the influenced person as well as in Mandy Protze-Kälberer.

After bioinfluence of Mandy Protze-Kälberer T.V. lost a kidney stone. He feels very well now.

From 2500 Kirlian Auras Mandy Protze-Kälberer is one of the few persons who is able to achieve a 100% discharge at the contact of the thumb and fotoemulsion. This is an irrefutable proof for the phenomenal abilities.

Mandy Protze-Kälberer has got also extraordinary results in the "give- and take-mode". They were measured by the waterspectral analysis methodic (Dr. Ignatov©, Prof. Antonov©, 1998).

Results of Mandy Protze-Kälberer© with bioinfluence on a person with the MPK-Methode®
documented with the regularisation diagnostics from Prof. Fritz Popp©.

State of regularisation of a 4 years old boy with recurrent pneumonias, Krupp cough and epilepsy
before bioinfluence with the MPK-Methode® by Mandy Protze-Kälberer.
State of regularisation of the 4 years old boy after bioinfluence with the MPK-Methode® by Mandy Protze-Kälberer half an hour later. His ability of regularisation has improved visible. The child is in its self-healing process.

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